Do you know how sometimes you really want to remember something but you are afraid you might forget? Thus one way for you to remember that thing is to either write it down (if you are confident that you will look it up from time to time to remind yourself), or get someone to remind you of it.
But do you know how sometimes it is just so hard for you to tell someone about that thing, what more to ask them to remind you of it? Maybe it is due to extreme ego-ness, or maybe because you are just way too shy to tell someone about it. Sometimes, the reason that prevent you from asking someone to remind you about it is because you don't want THAT person to remind you about it. Thus you'd rather not tell anyone about it and try to remind your own self about it.
But you know what? If you really want to remember something, telling someone or a few people about it really helps you know. It helps you to really remember that thing without having to be reminded by that person. I don't know why, but maybe because when you voice it, you hear yourself, and it tends to stick on your mind more strongly.
I myself, for example, do not like the fact that someone tells me to not be angry, or moody,or even scowl especially at times when I really am at that situation. Not that I don't want to. Of course I want to try my best to not put on a sour face, or be inconsiderate, or angry to others. But the fact of being reminded when you are in such situation really scratches your ego. But a time came when I really needed to do something about my unpredictable mood and temper. Thus I took the first step of asking for help from my fellow friends. In situations where I know I can easily lose my temper or patience, I tell them before hand to remind me of not getting angry and to put a smile on. And you know what? They never had to remind me about it (except during certain circumstances-times when I never realize my face is horrifying!), and I also found myself always reminding myself about it. And at the end of the day, I can feel proud of myself, for having gone through that whatever-situation-it-is in the best possible way I could.
So, if you really hate regretting in the future, no harm is done in suppressing a bit of that ego, and seek help from your friends to remind you.